
Women, how you react when a man shows you the qualities of a real one will define the longevity of your relationship. Act as if you've had the treatment before, even if all you have dealt with is boys without a single bone of chivalry in their body, embrace the attention he shows you.

Men, be patient continue to treat her like a queen even when she doesn't appreciate the gestures you have shown her, she has yet to understand how a woman is to be treated. pull her chair, open her door and compliment the hell out of her. Because eventually, you will be the standard she expects in every man she comes across once you're gone.

More often than none, the ones that we've taken for granted were the ones ready for who we are in that stage of your life, and the ones we are ready for will take us for granted once we're ready for something real.

But there are some cases when two souls meet at the right stages of their life and intertwine their expectations for one another, to create a bond stronger than the challenges that will be placed ahead of their journey through life.

Art: unknown


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